I wonder if Ted Nugent is supporting Joe Walsh for the GOP Presidential nomination.
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Curious Tom
Curious Tom
Why couldn’t the GOP have adopted a rule allowing only avowed Republicans to run? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/09/bid-to-block-bernie-sanders-dnc-adopts-rule-change-wants-only-avowed-democrats-to-run.html
Curious Tom
If an Iowa governor with a family conflict of interest can interfere in the caucus process, is it time for the GOP to eliminate the excessive influence of this small state? #corruption #Brandstad
Curious Tom
The big question from the Iran Deal: If Democrats are this poor at negotiations, why can’t the current Republican leaders ever get a concession from them? (Unfortunate corollary: Since the Democrats always out negotiates Weepy and Mitch, what are the chances they could actually do any better with Iran? Ronald Reagan they are not.)
Curious Tom
So, with Romney out, how about the GOP tries this in 2016: Make the real conservative the Presidential nominee, put the Rockefeller guy as VP and in 34 years we can all admire his socks?
Curious Tom
So, now the GOP is sticking up for its own “Sheets” Byrd, can it finally make the name change to “Democrat Lite” official (and let somebody else be the Party of Lincoln)? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/gop-continues-defending-steve-scalise-amid-white-supremacist-flap/
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