Did Trump just threaten a Bill of Attainder against Harley-Davidson?
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Curious Tom
Curious Tom
I wonder what Stephanie Wilkinson is going to do if she has a plumbing issue and tries to call your typical plumber…
Curious Tom
Does sliced Hebrew National hot dogs, sauerkraut and “Mexican blend” cheese count as fusion cuisine? Asking for a friend.
Does sliced Hebrew National hot dogs, sauerkraut and “Mexican blend” cheese count as fusion cuisine? Asking for a friend.
Curious Tom
Are either Republicans or Democrats even capable of telling the truth? Republicans show a poolroom with no children and claim it’s a child detention center. Democrats show a chain link fenced, concrete floored room full of bearded men and say it’s a child detention center. Lies, lies, hypocrisy, and lies! Politicians gathering votes and lining their own pockets.
Curious Tom
Why couldn’t the GOP have adopted a rule allowing only avowed Republicans to run? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/09/bid-to-block-bernie-sanders-dnc-adopts-rule-change-wants-only-avowed-democrats-to-run.html
Curious Tom
What if the 2nd Amendment has penumbras?
Curious Tom
Why is it that feminists are so eager to reject the patriarchy, but not the patrimony?
Curious Tom
I wonder how the Trumpeters feel about Trump giving the keynote speech to the globalist elites at Davos…
Curious Tom
Without government, who would put out the homeless people’s fires when it’s freezing?
Curious Tom
Cortana, can you ask Alexa to do an “Okay Google” search for me?
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