Did Trump just threaten a Bill of Attainder against Harley-Davidson?
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Curious Tom
Curious Tom
I wonder what Stephanie Wilkinson is going to do if she has a plumbing issue and tries to call your typical plumber…
Curious Tom
Does sliced Hebrew National hot dogs, sauerkraut and “Mexican blend” cheese count as fusion cuisine? Asking for a friend.
Does sliced Hebrew National hot dogs, sauerkraut and “Mexican blend” cheese count as fusion cuisine? Asking for a friend.
Curious Tom
Are either Republicans or Democrats even capable of telling the truth? Republicans show a poolroom with no children and claim it’s a child detention center. Democrats show a chain link fenced, concrete floored room full of bearded men and say it’s a child detention center. Lies, lies, hypocrisy, and lies! Politicians gathering votes and lining their own pockets.
Curious Tom
Why couldn’t the GOP have adopted a rule allowing only avowed Republicans to run? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/09/bid-to-block-bernie-sanders-dnc-adopts-rule-change-wants-only-avowed-democrats-to-run.html
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