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  • Curious Tom 6:48 pm on June 26, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , scandals, what did the President know   

    Seems like an appropriate time to ask “What did the President know and when did he know it?” regarding Benghazi, the IRS scandal, the AP spying, the Rosen incident, Fast and Furious, Sebelius shakedown attempts, Solyndra, Sestak quid pro quo…

  • Curious Tom 7:23 pm on June 20, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Internal Revenue Service, IRS, lost, lost emails   

    I wonder if the IRS would believe that I lost all records of any income?

  • Curious Tom 5:57 pm on June 20, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: bias, Israel, jihad, New York Times, Palestine   

    Hamas, or even Fatah, wouldn’t think twice about shooting a rock thrower named Jesus Crusade Lebowski, so why is it big news that Israeli’s shot Mohammed Jihad Dudeen? And what did his mother expect giving him a name like that?

  • Curious Tom 6:02 am on June 20, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: custody, Margaret Noe, sailor, traitor, treason   

    Does issuing a warrant for a deployed sailor over a civil matter in violation of federal law constitute waging war against the United States or at least giving aid and comfort to their enemies? When Margaret Noe does it, let’s hope there are two witnesses and a federal prosecutor with more sense than the judge.

  • Curious Tom 5:54 pm on June 18, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: political correctness, Redskins, Washington   

    The right answer: “Don’t want us to honor your people with our name and mascot? Fine. we’re changing our name to the RedNECKS.”

  • Curious Tom 3:21 am on June 14, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Archer, ,   

    So this means Archer is taking over Iraq 

    So, this means Archer is taking over Iraq?

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