Why is that the same people who don’t trust the election results because Trump lost also don’t trust the Covid19 vaccine because Trump ordered it?
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Curious Tom
Curious Tom
Did Trump just threaten a Bill of Attainder against Harley-Davidson?
Curious Tom
Why couldn’t the GOP have adopted a rule allowing only avowed Republicans to run? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/06/09/bid-to-block-bernie-sanders-dnc-adopts-rule-change-wants-only-avowed-democrats-to-run.html
Curious Tom
I wonder how the Trumpeters feel about Trump giving the keynote speech to the globalist elites at Davos…
Curious Tom
How much does it cost to fly Air Force One on a Mar-a-lago trip? @RealDonaldTrump is ARealHypocrite.
Curious Tom
I wonder if these rioters ever heard of the Reichstag Fire. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.
Curious Tom
How could 10 million “Republicans” be so naive?
Curious Tom
Texting buddy with Boehner. Gingrich is gaga over him. He has the best Speakers of the House. Tremendous Speakers. Believe me. When will Trump be announcing the coveted Pelosi and Hastert endorsements?
Curious Tom
Do winners lose by 13%? Is that what it means to be “great”? Is that the kind of winning for America we can expect from a Trump administration?
Curious Tom
What’s better: “free” stuff, amazing chocolate custard yogurt, a Wall or the Constitution?
Most agents unsure how cannabis dispensaries affect property values
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