Shouldn’t someone born in Hawaii understand that you don’t have to attack an actual US state to commit an act of war against the United States?
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Curious Tom
Curious Tom
Does it seem like “swing vote” Kennedy just has a penchant for swinging the wrong way?
Curious Tom
Did the pot really just call the kettle black?
Curious Tom
Is the post office that bad? Why would a rural letter carrier think his letters are more likely to get to Congress by gyrocopter than if he just mailed them?
Curious Tom
This is a “news alert?” Dog bites man. “Republicans trying to ‘undermine’ Obama”
Curious Tom
“Presidential prerogative to enter into binding agreements with foreign powers without congressional approval…” Does Obama understand “by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate” and “provided two thirds of the Senators present concur” differently than the rest of the country?
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