If a new Attorney General is approved by lame ducks, will his goose be cooked?
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Curious Tom
Curious Tom
So, now if you take a drunk friend on a road trip it’s kidnapping? And the slippery slope is a fallacy? “Lawyers said an incapacitated victim — one who is drunk, on drugs or unconscious — could be seen as unable to say yes to traveling somewhere…even if they were with someone voluntarily at the start.”
Curious Tom
Was today’s new tax regulation properly posted in the Federal Register? If so, why was it not reported on earlier?
Curious Tom
Is it really necessary for Republicans to go all nanny state nincompoop on Mary Landrieu?
Curious Tom
If it’s “No”, will Florida contest the use of paper ballots? Is that a hanging chad?
Curious Tom
If it’s “Yes” will Nova Scotia be independent of Canada or will Scotland be Canada?
Curious Tom
If it’s yes, will they change the name of Scotland Yard?
Curious Tom
Does 475 noncombat troops sound less than “relentless” to anyone else? Is Joe Biden writing this stuff?
Curious Tom
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